September 11th

Yearbook cover (Yearbook 2002)

In Memoriam to those affected by the terrorist attacks of September 11th (Yearbook 2002)

Space to request prayers for lost/missing/injured loved ones (Yearbook 2002)
The terrorist attacks of September 11th had a huge impact on the St. Francis College community. The World Trade Centers sat just across the East River in downtown Manhattan. Viewed from the Brooklyn Heights promenade - which functions as a quasi-extension of the St. Francis College campus - the towers dominated the Manhattan skyline. This proximity meant that many at St. Francis College were directly impacted by the attacks and, tragically, some members of the wider SFC community lost their lives or those of loved ones.
The 2002 Franciscan reflected the grief of the community at this tragic loss. However, beneath this were small and important notes of resilience and community as the college tried to support those who lost loved ones.
"We all worried what the future held for us after the tragedy of September 11, 2001.I worried how the year would progress for our St. Francis community. It has been repeatedly said that our lives changed forever on that day, and they have. Yet what I have seen since then is the spirit of St. Francis emerge and bloom in each and every one of you. We came together as a community and supported those who lost loved ones killed in the World Trade Center. We continue to mourn for our lost students and alumni, many of whom sacrificed their lives to save others. We have witnessed incredible heroism in those alumni who dedicated themselves to the recovery efforts." - President Macchiarola (Yearbook 2002)
"If any of us ever thought the towers were only two immense steel, concrete, and glass modern buildings, after September 11, 2001 we realized how much we would miss the incomparable sight of the skyline, best seen on our Brooklyn Heights promenade. The SFC, like the entire country, united and helped those affected by the disaster. We learned not to take anything for granted, to enjoy and appreciate every single day of our life in what everybody agrees to be the greatest city in the world - New York City. Ever since, UNITED WE STAND!" (Yearbook 2002)